Who should attend:

People who need the nationally accredited Apply First Aid course including health care professionals, child care workers, any organisation that are dealing with the public or customers on a daily basis.

Also anyone who would like to learn and develop their first aid skills.


Through theory and practice this one day course gives you the individual the opportunity to develop your confidence in applying first aid skills as a first aider. This course covers everything you need to know about applying first aid.


By the end of the day you will be able to:

-To be able to understand the principles of first aid

-Demonstrate the management of an unconscious casualty

-Perform resuscitation (CPR) on adults, children and infants using the manikins

-To be able to use a defibrillator safely and appropriately

-To be able to assess, recognise, manage and treat casualties with, sprains, strains internal and external      bleeding, burns, facial, head, chest and abdominal injuries

-To be able to apply various types of slings for shoulder and arm injuries

-To be able to assess, recognise, manage and treat casualties presenting with asthma, anaphylaxis, stroke, febrile convulsions, heat stroke, diabetes and poisoning

-How to recognise and respond to the signs and symptoms of poisoning bites and stings

-How to establish and apply infection control procedures

-How to store, stock and use first aid kits.

Length of course:

8 hours

Maximum no. in class:

12 students

Cost of course:

$95.00 per person ( refresher )

$125.00 per person ( new )

Group Bookings ( 12 students )
